Saturday, December 17, 2011

Splashing Evolzar Laggia

There's a trend that was mentioned on TCG Player's Facebook feed of players splashing Jurrac Guaiba into random decks to get access to Evolzar Laggia or Evolzar Dolkka. The discussion started when, during the weekend event discussion that occurs every Sunday night, somebody mentioned that they went 5-3 at a regional tournament with a HERO Beat deck that splashed Guaiba and Reborn Tengu.

That set some of our minds rushing. What other decks could we splash Jurrac Guaiba into without losing the feel for the deck?

HERO Beat is a good start. Guaiba is a good aggressive card and HERO Beat is a good aggressive deck that works on grinding out your opponent's resources. And even if Guaiba gets destroyed, you can use it for Miracle Fusion to make yourself an Elemental HERO Nova Master.

I had two ideas:

1. Elemental HERO Nova Master is good because it gives much needed flexibility to Miracle Fusion and Super Polymerization plays. But it's no Elemental HERO Absolute Zero. If only there was a water attribute dinosaur that made a copy of itself like Guaiba does.

Of course, Hydrogeddon does. Now, Hydrogeddon is strictly worse than Guaiba. Lower attack, and a weaker replicating effect that doesn't work on tokens. But access to Absolute Zero might be worth the trade-off.

2. The deck I really want to splash Guaiba into is TG Stun. Laggia seems to fit the control approach of TG Stun, so let's try something.

3 TG Striker
3 TG Warwolf
3 TG Rush Rhino
3 Jurrac Guaiba
3 Reborn Tengu

3 Pot of Duality
1 Heavy Storm
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Book of Moon
1 Pot of Avarice

3 Horn of the Phantom Beast
2 TG1-EM1
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Solemn Warning
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Starlight Road
1 Dark Bribe
2 Dimensional Prison
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

Extra deck includes the usual cards with a Laggia and Dolkka thrown in for good measure.

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