Choose your side!
Getting ready for a regional last week, I was testing Wind-ups. The night before the event, I was feeling uncomfortable with my choice of deck. I wound up going 2-3 with plenty of misplays throughout the event.
After clearing my mind for a week, I went back to my local and played HERO in a 20 person field. I played wound up going 4-1 against some good competition (another HERO, 2 Agent, 1 Rabbit) before I lost to the same Rabbit deck in the top 4.
I think I'm more of a HERO player because the deck seems to be much more forgiving to user error. Super Polymerization cures a lot of wounds (especially self-inflicted ones) and Miracle Fusion adds so much resiliency to the deck.
Meanwhile, Wind-ups is a massively powerful deck. The deck is one of the rarities in Yugioh that can play at multiple speeds. It can derp out Shock Master and try to lock you out of the game on turn one, it can make xyz monster after xyz monster and run you out of your defenses, or in a worst case scenario, it can simplify the game state and use an annoyingly evasive Wind-up Rabbit to nibble away your life points.
But unlike HERO, if you make a mistake with the game tempo in Wind-ups, you can find yourself out of resources fairly quickly. The bad opening hands that Wind-ups can start with are usually much harder to work around than the bad opening hands that you can get with HERO.
Both decks are great. It's all up to preference, of course.
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