Hey, look another Yugioh blog that will probably die a quiet death after I get tired of writing to it.
So, I picked up a copy of Duel Transer yesterday. Our local Gamestop had a copy, and I needed another copy of Closed Forest, so I picked it up. To my pleasant surprise, the game is pretty good. Cards aren't impossible to get, as is usually the case with the World Championship series. The character and monster animations are nice, and when you get tired of them, you can shut them off.
And Goyo Guardian is powering me through the early part of the game. Oh, how I missed you, you kabuki-painted powerhouse.
A little backstory: I played Magic for ten years before I fell out. I started working full time and I found it harder to justify throwing cash into the money pit that wound up being the Standard tourney environment. I had recently bought a DS, though, and found myself buying Yugioh WC 2008.
I wound up enjoying the game so much that I found one of our local stores that held local tournaments and started playing.
When I saw the spoilers for Duelist Genesis, I immediately noticed Goyo Guardian. Yeah, Stardust Dragon was the flag carrier for the set, but Goyo was ridiculously overpowered for his level. His effect of stealing a monster that he destroyed in battle was also pretty wild.
Three years down the road, and Konami finally realized that Goyo was too powerful. He takes his place alongside Dark Strike Fighter on the list of synchro monsters too damn good to exist.
Next addition to that list: Tech Genus Hyper Librarian? Time will tell.
So as I own the crappy decks in the early game of Duel Transer thanks to Goyo, I offer a toast. Here's to you, too-strong, permanent Brain Control dude. May your makeup never fade!
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